Friday, January 1, 2010

goals for 2010

i always love this time of year as it's a great time to actually write my goals down on paper and come up with a POA. i always like to get away from the house, the kids, the hubbin', the mountain of laundry and head to starbucks, settle down with a pumpkin spice latte and spend two hours focused on what i want to accomplish this year. and today i did just that!

being the detailed, type a, schedule loving person that i am, there's something about writing down my thoughts on paper that brings me such peace and comfort. i love the "planning" aspect of goal planning.....soooo weird right??? but i do, and i always get SO excited about the upcoming year. if you've never taken a few hours to yourself to write down your goals and dream for a little bit, i HIGHLY recommend you do it! it doesn't have to be perfect and you can add to them and change them often, BUT YOU HAVE TO START SOMEWHERE, so don't procrastinate or it will never happen!

here is a modified version of my goals. the "modified" part is that i am INSANELY detail oriented and i don't want to completely bore you with all of those details! i like to break down my goals by areas that are important to me and roles that i play in life. my goal is to review these each day with my "to do" list and highlight what i'm focusing on for the month.

Erin's 2010 Goals
Jesus stuff~continued growth in christ
~read bible in a year with chronological bible, note in margins what is going on in my life that day
~weekly participate in “mommy and me” group
~regularly attend lifegroup functions and continue as “social care person”
~dedicate parker and connor in (march?)
~pick a monthly bible verse and post on blog (1st of each month)
~pray about NICU ministry opportunities

mom stuff
~up before kids, wake up at 5:45, get dressed and ready for anything that can happen that day!
~order “slow and steady get me ready” and work with parker 3 days/week
~15 minutes of reading with the boys each day
~look into spring sports for parker
~strive to be 80% organic! plan ahead to prepare healthy meals
~make 100% of connor’s baby food with fresh organic foods, make 1 month supply at a time
~parenting books: ready 4, one with Brandon, research which ones on focus on the family

wife stuff
~complete love dare
~read “motivating your man” and “love and respect”
~weekly read aimee’s blog
~date night once a month, plan ahead!
~create a “help” list for brandon

sassycakes designs stuff
~new systems: income, orders, inventory sheet, bank account and create invoice
~baxter spring and fall festival, lake wylie, RHCC Christmas bazaar
~website up and running with email by 1/31/09
~send out mailer monthly
~quarterly giveaways
~open etsy store
~order business cards

blog stuff
~post daily before bed each night:
Tuesdays—tackle it
Wednesdays-- wordless
Fridays—show us your life
~check out 1 new blog each day and leave a comment!
~new design by april
~twitter account

organization/home stuff
~improve financial spreadsheet and tracking
~motivated moms planner/chore schedule
~deep clean 1 room/area each month, create yearly schedule
~update emergency contact/info list, kid’s schedules
~update financial docs lists
~new filing folders for 2010
~weekly meal plan and cut coupons

jackson real estate group stuff
~put expenses on spreadsheet monthly
~help with listing project

mommy memories stuff
~project life
~notebook for daily memories?
~11th and 17th blog and write in personal journals

photog stuff
~1 photo session and photoshop tutorial weekly
~take sharon’s online class
~take 5000 pictures
~create better system for organizing pics and backing them up
~post great pics on blog

fitness/health stuff
~drink water and cranberry juice daily
~run half marathon in spring
~run 3x/week, wii 1x/week and p90x 1x/week
~make a conscious effort to eat fruits and veggies at every meal

financial stuff
~new 2010 spreadsheet
~tuesday night family meeting with b
~create backyard that we can enjoy

i'd love to hear what your goals and dreams are for 2010!



Jeanette said...

GIRL! WHEW! I'm just exhausted reading your "to do" list! Good thing you have a year to check each thing off! Good for you planning all of those things and having so many set goals in mind! Honestly, my goal for right now is to focus on getting through this day and making it to the next! By the way...I didn't see anything on your list about having coffee with your friend Jeanette at least once a month! Squeeze me in if you get a moment! Love and miss you! Happy New Year!

Heather said...

WOW! That's quite the to-do list you have! Very impressive! It's always wonderful to have goals to help you guide your year in the right direction! : )

Michelle said...

Best of luck in 2010!!

Katie@The Baby Factory said...

Just dropping through via Kelly's blog!! What a GREAT list! I was skimming through your earlier posts and saw that it's 30 down there...I feel for ya, really I's like high of 0 here today.
Best of luck in 2010!

Bri Schaaf said...

Just Stopped by from Kelly's Blog!
First time on your blog! I just love your 2010 Goals!!! Wishing you a wonderful 365 days!!