Friday, March 5, 2010

God Has A Sense of Humor

I just love the way God has been working in my life….Don’t get me wrong, I have had MANY moments of frustration, losing patience and just not understanding why things were not happening the way I wanted them to, but looking back I just have to laugh.

I am just a little bit of a control freak. I like to know when things are going to happen, how they are going to happen and they need to go exactly as I planned or else I get rather anxious and uncomfortable.

I am learning how to be comfortable being uncomfortable. I am learning that this side of Heaven is NOT my forever home and God never had any intention of me getting too comfortable here.

Today we caught my 7 1/2 year old pulled up and STANDING on both legs. HE IS NOT 8 MONTHS YET. This is the child I wanted to keep as a baby forever. This is the child that I attempted to delay his development so that he would be a late bloomer. This is the child that I carried 24/7 so that he wouldn’t get enough tummy time, and just maybe he wouldn’t be mobile for quite some time. HA!


My sweet Connor got up on all fours at 6 months, a few days later he had mastered crawling “the real way” and now just a few weeks later he is pulling up all the way to his feet.

I’m sure he’ll be walking like next month at this rate!


When I had my firstborn, Parker, one thing I was paranoid about was having a child with food allergies. I did EVERYTHING I could to attempt to prevent him from developing any kind of food allergy. I researched for hours, I breastfed exclusively, I delayed solid foods until he was 6 months, you name it, I did it.

Parker has a severe egg allergy.

None of this was in my day planner, and there have been moments that just are not fun. But oddly enough, I feel incredibly blessed and I am incredibly blessed.

I still don’t understand why Parker ended up with a life-threatening egg allergy or why Connor is not much of a late bloomer I was hoping for, and I may never understand these details, big or small until I get to Heaven.

For now, God is laughing at me, and I’m learning to laugh with Him.

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