Friday, January 8, 2010

show us your life friday--2010 goals

another one of my blogging goals is to participate in kelly's show us your life fridays. this is a fun way to see how other people "live" and a great resource of ideas! this week is about your 2010 goals, so i've linked up on her site. you can check out my goals there OR see my post from january 1st. warning, my goals are VERY detailed but that's VERY me :-)

we had a fun day today--the boys and i hit up MOPS this morning and made these cute chalk boards. i would take a pic, but mine's 90% finished, so you'll have to wait for the finished product.

and since both boys fell asleep in the car for the last 10 minutes of our commute home, nap time pretty much didn't happen in our house today. fun times for this mommy! and also because we now somehow live in iceland or something, it is WAY too cold to take the littles outside.

but i did manage to snap some pics of BOTH nuggets today, parker was actually looking at the camera maybe twice HA!
