Friday, August 28, 2009

this week.....

this week was a little crazy. parker woke up wednesday morning with a 102 fever. normally i wouldn't be TOO concerned, but one of his "girlfriends" came down with hand foot and mouth disease earlier in the week and with tiny #2 i worried about the transmission of germs. the fever went away in 24 hours and now we are waiting to see the rash and/or sore pop up, but so far so good.

today we took parker to the allergist to get him tested again for the egg allergy. although unlikely, we are hoping PRAYING that he's outgrown the allergy. if he's still allergic to eggs then he won't be able to get both the flu and swin flu vaccines. again not good for him or my 7 week old. so please pray for favorable results next week!

connor's been his usual laid back self, getting lots of sleep time in. mommy is very thankful for this :-) the other night i finally moved him to his own room and crib. i have NO idea why i ever even stressed about this because he totally could have cared less and slept 7 hours that night! last night he did great again and slept 5 hours. not too bad for a 6 week old. i love this child!!! connor's still nonstop with his legs and this week he's learned to blow bubbles. i finally caved and stopped cramming his cute little buns into newborn diapers, so now we have moved on to size 1's (tear). i'm still in denial that i don't really have a newborn anymore :-( thank goodness we're not done, right b??? having a baby again you remember all of those little things you had loved so much but totally forgotten about with your first--the little squeaky noises, the arching the back stretches, trying to "talk" and of course all of those precious smiles. ahhhhh, i so love all of those moments.

no too much on the agenda this weekend besides starting our half marathon training program. i've ordered a double jogging stroller and i'm hoping it will be in within the next few days so we can get down to business with this training. b and i are also going to attempt a new recipe tonight for dinner, yes i'm still obsessing with the food network these days. not sure which one we'll choose just yet, but i'm looking forward to trying something new and spending some time with hubs.

have a great weekend y'all!
