Sunday, August 24, 2008


so y'all know how i'm a wannabe photographer, well my day finally arrived where my most favorite photographer came to the palisades and did our first family photo shoot. sharon is ridiculous with her gift, and i mean that in the most complimentary way :-) she has such an eye for some perfect shots and can make anything come to life! you can check out a few of our pics at:

and to check out some of her other stuff, be sure to search her blog while you are there. i am proud to say that i stalk her blog quite often, and apparently i'm just one of many....enjoy!


Jeanette said...

Oh my word, the photos are AMAZING!!!

Erica said...

Erin, the photos are great! I don't know how you would pick a favorite! You guys look like you were all having so much fun. :)