See, not so bad, but it was definitely in need of some doctoring by a professional.
And since I haven't posted in so long, here's a few updates on the rest of us. Brandon's been busy selling houses and there's actually signs that the market may be turning around woohoo!!!!!! I'm about 6 months along with boy #2 and pretty much feel great minus the sciatica back pain I've had for the last few months. Some days I'm as good as new, others I can barely walk. I tend to do better once Brandon has given me a little massage :-) I've been busy "nesting" trying to get the boys' rooms organized. Parker is going to move into a big boy room with big boy furniture and baby #2 (the name's a surprise!) is going to get the hand me downs. Poor little guy. I've also been busy studying up on photography so I can attempt to get some great newborn shots when "little guy" is here. I've been trying to practice some new techniques on Parker, but he is always on the go! I need a subject that doesn't move so I'm going to borrow some friends babies to practice on. Parker's been doing great--still as active as can be, obviously. He's still super sweet and loves to give out kisses, especially when he's in trouble :-) He's also started talking in 2-3 word sentences so we've been having a blast!
And here are some pics of Parker from March:
Here's his new haircut:
Showing off his moves:

Ready for the beach!
Calvin Klein Jeans Ad: